Resources Seniors Can Go to for Support

Elderly people using technology

As we age, we may find ourselves in need of additional support to maintain our physical, emotional, and financial  wellbeing. Many elderly live beneath their privileges because they do not know the programs, resources and organizations that they can go to for assistance. There are hundreds if not thousands of programs from government and non-government organizations to assist seniors. In this blog post, we will explore some of the different resources seniors can go to for support.

Older Americans Act

The Older Americans Act was implemented in 1965 and is made in support of the elderly because of the lack of community social services for them. Since then the OAA has served as the foundation for federal, state, and local organizational infrastructure and services in developing, planning, and delivering home and community-based services and supports to older adults and their caregivers.

Community Centers

Many municipalities have senior centers where seniors can socialize, participate in activities, and get services. Community centers can provide seniors with valuable resources, such as meals, transportation, health screenings, and educational classes. Community centers differ from city to city, visit the one nearest to your house and find out what they have to offer. You can try using the eldercare locator where you just need to enter your location’s zip code and it will immediately show you local centers and agencies that you can go to. There are about 10,000 senior centers that are serving more than a million older adults every day according to the National Council of Aging

Health Care Providers and Caregivers 

Seniors can also seek assistance from healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses,  social workers, and caregivers. These individuals can assist seniors in managing chronic conditions, providing preventive care, and providing emotional support. If you are looking for Caregivers you can create job posts in Cal Care Jobs and hire a caregiver that applied to your post. Join membership in Ca Care Association in order to start posting.  

Support Groups

Support groups are a great resource for seniors who are dealing with a specific health condition, caregiving responsibilities, or emotional distress. Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where seniors can share their experiences, learn from others, and get emotional support.

Medical Assistance

Medical costs get more expensive as we age, this can be attributed to acquired disorders and diseases. Thankfully there are many organizations and programs that can help with that. Let's go through some: 

  1. Medicare

    Medicare is a government insurance program for people who are 65 or older, and for younger people with disabilities. This can also apply for people with permanent kidney failure that requires dialysis or a transplant. Medicare has different parts that cover different and specific services. Part A includes hospital insurance. Part B includes medical insurance. And part D is for prescription drug coverage

  2. MedicAid

    Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government. The criteria for eligibility may vary from state to state and are both financial and non-financial eligibility criteria. 

  3. National Hearing Aid Project

    this project addresses the demand for hearing aids. The National Council on Aging identified that about 1 in 3 people between 65 and 74 have hearing loss. And only 20% of adults over 70 who need hearing aids use them. The cost and price is the most common problem with the average cost ranging from 2000 to 7000 dollars. 

  4. Breast Cancer Assistance Program

    This is a program established in 2006 with the aim to financially assist women who are breast cancer survivors that are in active treatment. If you want more organization and assistance for breast cancer patients, you can try visiting the American Cancer Society

  5. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (SPAPs)

    Are programs run by individual states in the United States that help eligible residents pay for their prescription medications? This program helps low-income seniors who are struggling to pay off their prescription drugs. Many states offer this assistance program and a lot coordinate it with Medicare. You can check what your state offers here 

Financial Assistance

Seniors who are struggling financially may be able to access resources to help with their expenses. Programs such as Social Security can provide financial support to seniors in need. Additionally, non-profit organizations, such as Meals on Wheels, can provide food assistance to seniors who are struggling to afford nutritious meals.

  1. Social Security

    When you retire or are unable to work due to a disability, Social Security provides you with a source of income. It can also provide benefits to your legal dependents (spouse, children, or parents) in the event of your death. The amount of income you will receive will depend on factors such as your lifetime earnings, age, and eligibility for spouse benefits. You need to check first your eligibility before you apply. 

  2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

    Supplemental Security Income is abbreviated as SSI. This program is managed by Social Security. People with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or 65 or older receive monthly benefits. Children who are blind or disabled may also be eligible for SSI. Applying for the SSI is also an application for Social Security benefits, however, the two are different in a lot of ways. Check your eligibility for SSI here

Online Websites

You can find a lot of different websites that you can go to in order to find the information that you are looking for. A lot of these cater to seniors who are in need. 

  1. National Council on Aging

    the NCOA is one of the first national organizations that focused on older adults. They have a goal to improve the lives of 40 million people. They are building a society where everyone has the resources that they need with health and financial help. 

  2. Mayo Clinic

    The Mayo Clinic is a non-profit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education, and research, offering expert, whole-person care to anyone in need of healing. Mayo Clinic has several physical locations in several states, they ensure that language and distance aren't hindrances to receive proper care. 


    this website is dedicated to helping people with Alzheimer's and their caregivers. They provide information that is helpful for those who need it. 

  4. Elegant Care Villa

    Their team focuses on improving the care development process, as well as the quality of our Care Standards through best practice guidelines and educational materials. They strive to build strong community relationships through collaboration and innovative technology applications in order to advance their residents and communities and become the company of choice in Care Services.

Final thoughts

In summary, when seniors require assistance, there are numerous resources available. These resources can assist seniors in maintaining their physical and emotional well-being, gaining access to healthcare, and remaining connected to their communities. Seniors do not have to live beneath their privilege if they have all the knowledge about the resources that they have access to.  If you or a loved one is a senior in need of assistance, consider contacting one of these organizations to see how they can assist.’

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