Disaster Preparedness Program

Is your neighborhood prepared when emergencies happens? Learn how to build a disaster plan with your neighbors.

Have you checked in with your neighbors lately?

Join Us and Register in our upcomming Disaster Preparedness Training

IN PERSON Wildfire Preparedness Training

Date: July 23, 2024

Time: 10am - 12:00nn

Location: Room 209, Carson Event Center, City of Carson California

Summer Preparedness Training

Summer Preparedness Training is an essential program designed for the entire community, focusing on preparing individuals, families, and businesses for the unique challenges of the summer season.

Through practical advice, interactive sessions, and expert guidance, participants will learn how to stay safe, healthy, and prepared during the hottest months of the year.

August 06, 2024 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Earthquake Preparedness Training

October 01, 2024 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Earthquake Preparedness Training is a vital program designed for the entire community to enhance resilience and safety in the face of seismic events.

Participants will learn how to assemble emergency supply kits, protect themselves during an earthquake, and safely evacuate if necessary.

Winter Related Disasters & Flooding Preparedness Training

November 05, 2024 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Winter Related Disasters and Flooding Preparedness Training is a crucial program aimed at preparing the entire community for the challenges posed by winter weather and potential flooding.

Participants will learn about winterizing homes, creating emergency kits, safe heating practices, and strategies for flood mitigation and response.

“GO BAG“ Preparedness Training

TBA, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Go Bag Preparedness Training is a specialized program designed to help individuals and families prepare for emergencies unique to the Fall Season.

With the arrival of inclement weather, shorter daylight hours, and potential natural disasters, this training equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to stay safe and self-reliant during the fall months.

Flood Preparedness Training

TBA, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

In this training, we join hands to equip individuals and communities with essential skills and knowledge to effectively prepare for and respond to flood emergencies.

As natural disasters become increasingly frequent and severe, it's imperative that we are all adequately prepared to safeguard lives and property.

Wildfire Preparedness Training

TBA, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Wildfire Preparedness Training is a comprehensive program aimed at empowering the entire communitywith crucial knowledge and skills for wildfire safety.

By fostering a proactive approach to emergency preparedness, the training ensures that all community members are well-equipped to protect themselves and their loved ones during wildfire emergencies.

Become our Training Sponsor!

Your investment equips residents with the knowledge and skills to face emergencies, fostering a safer and more resilient community. Be a champion for preparedness. Together, we can build a stronger community prepared to respond to any challenge!

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