Nominate An Exceptional Caregiver!

Caregivers have been around with us for years! Offering their service, making the lives of other people better, touching and changing one life at a time. As the world navigated through COVID-19 pandemic, they are unsung heroes that have gone unnoticed, tirelessly working behind the scenes to care for the sick, elderly, and vulnerable. However, this year's Mayfest is all about giving credit and recognition to caregivers, and we want to celebrate these selfless individuals who have made a significant impact on the lives of those around them.

In recognition of the valuable contributions of caregivers, this year's Mayfest is calling on YOU to nominate exceptional caregivers in your community. By doing so, we can shine a spotlight on the outstanding work that caregivers do every day and give them the recognition they deserve.

Here is the criteria for nomination to help you pick the best caregiver you can think of:

  • Who are you nominating as a caregiver?

  • What is the caregiver's relationship to the person they are caring for?

  • How long has the caregiver been providing care?

  • What kind of care does the caregiver provide (e.g. personal care, medical care, emotional support, etc.)?

  • What challenges has the caregiver faced in their role?

  • How has the caregiver gone above and beyond their duties as a caregiver?

  • How has the caregiver made a positive impact on the person they are caring for and/or their community?

  • What qualities does the caregiver possess that make them an exceptional caregiver?

  • Have they received any recognition or awards for their caregiving efforts in the past?

  • Can you provide any additional information or stories that demonstrate why this caregiver deserves to be recognized?

We will review all nominations and select the one with the most nominations and will be recognized at this year's Mayfest event.

visit our official website at

Click here to nominate!


Join Our Training: Physical Limitations and Needs of the Elderly


Mayfest 2023: Bigger, Better, and More Fun Than Ever